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Award Nominations 2024


It’s been an exciting few months here at Inclusfit HQ!

At a time, where I am embracing full self employment. I am building back up to teaching more classes, post my spinal injury / recovery. Gaining more PT clients, presented IncluSeat at fitness events and we have been nominated in a couple of national fitness awards.

The last time we won an award was back in 2022, where I won Female PT of the year, and before that I won Inclusive Instructor & runner up in female fitness instructor 2019 at the community fitness awards.

We have been nominated in a few categories in the Fits up Heart & Soul Awards. Voting closes on May 1st.

You can vote here:

We are in the following categories:

Sam James - Regional Instructor- South West, Fitness Presenter, Female Fitness Instructor UK, inspirational Fitness Personality.

IncluSeat - Upcoming Fitness Brand (spelt slightly wrong on form!)

InclusFit - Fitness Brand

Vicki Wilson - Inspirational participant

The vale Pewsey - Fitness Facility U.K. (also spelt wrong on form)

Voting closes 1st May. You can vote as many times as possible! I been voting most days!!!

We also found out this weekend, that we have been nominated in The British Fitness Awards in 2 categories

Inclusive Sports Club - Inclusfit, IncluSeat & NeuroHIIT. (Please vote for inclusfit &/ or IncluSeat)

HIIT based workout - NeuroHiit by inclusfit.

You can vote as many times as you want. Voting closes 7th June 2024.

You can vote here:

I am currently working on setting up more seated classes across the area, collaborating with a few contacts of mine and seeing what crops up. Thank you to those contacts, who have already taken the time out to meet up with me. (You know who you are 😁)

If you would like work with us, please let us know. Either by signing up to PT (face to face or online) a face to face or online class, wanting us to run corporate classes for your company / work place or to come & do classes in your charity, care home etc

I’m excited to see what the next few months, have in store for us…..

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