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Client Feedback

Here is some feedback from a few of Sams Clients. 

Cannot recommend this class enough! Its always great fun and such a laugh. I mean glow sticks in the dark.... Whats not to love? Sam is an inspirational instructor and her attitude and determination to deliver a fantastic workout is infectious! Everyone needs to go!! :-)

Becky Cann - on Sams Clubbercise Class.

I don't typically "do" exercise but this class is so fun you feel like you've been at a party with your friends rather than actually exercising! Sam is great and makes you feel so comfortable.... I can't recommend enough!! Whoop whoop!!

Claire Baldwin - on Sam's Clubbercise Class 

Sam has been working with Rhys every Friday at the gym since November 2015. Due to his left sided hemiplegia he has a weak left leg, limited movement in his left arm and his left hand is bent in on itself.
Sam understands the difficulty Rhys has with some of the exercises, she is very patient but firm. Rhys has learnt not to say ``that was easy´´ in front of Sam.
She has helped Rhys achieve some of his goals in a very short time. As well as working towards new ones.
Every week he works hard at building the strength not only in his weaker left side but his whole body. His left leg has become much stronger, he is stretching his left arm above his head and is improving the use of his left hand.
I'm glad we found Sam, as well as a great trainer, she is an inspiration to Rhys, he can see the benefits of working hard, he listens and takes her comments seriously and always striving to improve week in, week out.

Lorraine Liming - on Sam's work as Lead Instructor on the Ability Gym Sessions. 

Sam is an amazing instructor who puts the needs of her clients first especially if they have complex needs and can't do a set exercise in the way a non disabled client would do them. Sam also comes up with new ideas of things to do with the clients each session they attend. Sam's fitness classes are challenging and fun you feel at ease as soon as you walk into the room  She can also adapt the session so anyone can take part regardless of fitness level.

Hannah - on all of Sams classes and her work on the Ability Gym Sessions. 


A card Sam recieved from one of her Zumba Regulars who lost 3 stone in under 4 months from Sams classes alone. 

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